
Brian's House Enterprise

Brian's House Enterprise

Brian's House Enterprise
Brian's House Enterprise
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Join the Fight!

Help support people with disabilities to choose where they want to work
The Special Minimum Wage Provision Section 14c of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a vital tool that allows individuals with significant disabilities to work in an environment where they are compensated commensurate with their productivity, have friendships, support and purposeful activity.  Hundreds of thousands of people with significant disabilities benefit from these work opportunities throughout the United States.  The United States Civil Rights Commission recently held a hearing on the Section 14c law.  Unfortunately, they only heard from individuals who were predominantly opposed to the law and did not schedule any testimony from those directly affected, specifically those working at Community Rehabilitation Programs and their family members who support them.

It Section 14c were to be eliminated from the FLSA, individuals with the most significant disabilities will lose their work opportunities and will be subject to staying at home, eventually succumbing to the desolation that can result from being inactive and unemployed.  Everyone has a right to work.  Support this right for our most vulnerable citizens!

Click HERE to sign the petition!
Category: Disability Resources & Support, Advocacy, Education, & Support
In 1976, Dave Tuttle founded Brian’s House to provide essential services for people with disabilities, including his son, Brian. He contracted with the Chester County Mental Health/Mental Retardation Department (now the Chester County Office of Mental Health & Intellectual Disability)to operate clustered apartments and community homes to meet the residential needs of several children and adults. In 1978, Dave Tuttle opened Brian’s House, a renovated historic home in West Chester, Pa., that served as a residence for 14 children with profound developmental disabilities. Brian Tuttle was one of its first residents and lived there until he passed away in 1989 at the age of 19.

In 1996, Brian’s House affiliated with Woods, which enabled the organization to expand with the addition of more community homes and, in 1998, the establishment of Brian’s House Enterprises, a vocational program and meaningful day program for adults with more profound disabilities. Brian’s House now provides residential supports for 105 individuals, vocational opportunities for 92, and day programs for 44 adults.

The Adult Day Services Program serves people with intellectual disabilities, neurological and neuromuscular disorders, brain injury, and other disabilities. We welcome individuals who may be incontinent, as well as those who require mobility assistance. The program is located at the Trestle Bridge Business Center in Downingtown, Pennsylvania.

Services include:
  • Social & communication skill building
  • Engaging recreational activities
  • Self-help task guidance and training
  • Pre-vocational training
  • Community excursions
We provide nursing coverage, fully accessible facilities, implementation of OT/PT recommended services, sensory-motor stimulation, and positive approach behavior management procedures. Our experienced staff members combine attentive supervision with a personalized approach to habilitation that includes frequent communication with family members.