
Sole Hope

Sole Hope

Sole Hope
Sole Hope
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Welcome to THE JOURNEY

As we grow, so do our needs. Financial support is our greatest need, and it is how the work continues.
Welcome to THE JOURNEY.
Every donation makes a difference. Every amount matters. Every donation, large, small, one-time, multiple times, individual, or group, goes here. Each one builds upon the one before and moves us along in our journey toward #zerojiggers.
Here you will see how your gift impacts the work in Uganda. You are informed and connected. Choose an area of work that you are passionate about and leverage your community to make it possible. 

We can’t do it alone. With YOUR help, we can achieve great things! 

Join us on THE JOURNEY as we work together to bring HOPE, healthier lives, and freedom from foot-related diseases, like jiggers, to vulnerable populations in Uganda.

What makes THE JOURNEY different?
  • It has a BIG goal that will only be achieved through thousands of small steps, steps as small as $1. Our goal is $500,000 by the end of 2019.
  • It utilizes the power of community: it’s about what we can achieve TOGETHER. We’ve created tools & resources to equip you to share.
  • It offers you a look into details of the work of Sole Hope, showing you the small things that it takes to make a big difference.
Learn more here!
Category: Health & Wellness
Core Purpose

To effectively put in place preventive methods to combat diseases that enter through the feet and to create a positive physical and spiritual difference in the lives of individuals in impoverished communities.

Core Values

Belief: We believe in addressing jiggers (tungiasis) the very real and present problems associated with the feet, through medical intervention as well as taking preventative physical measures.

Education: We believe that education of the youth and their caretakers is essential for long-term solutions. We aim to use education to reduce the nagative stigma associated with jiggers, as well as teach children and caretakers how to remove and prevent jiggers.

Sustainability: We believe in supporting communities and teaching the trade of shoe making. We innovate and demonstrate solutions that combine the best of indigenous and contemporary practice to create sustainable skills and employment.
"Not only are they making a big impact for people of all ages, but they are creating employment opportunities for Ugandans as well. Amazing organization with the biggest hearts you'll find anywhere." - Meg D., Facebook