
NERDiT Foundation

NERDiT Foundation

NERDiT Foundation
NERDiT Foundation
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Saturday June 8th

Spring Jam at the St. Patrick's Community Center

Hey Fellow Nerds!

We are donating a computer lab to the St. Patrick’s Center in Wilmington on Saturday, June 8, 2019!!

We are especially excited to be partnering with the St. Patrick's Center as they are a local nonprofit that has been serving our community since 1971.

The St. Patrick's Center provides emergency food, meals, respite for the homeless, clothing, transportation, and recreational activities for the people in need on Wilmington's east side for the past 48 years.

They recognize that people require more than just basic needs, and demonstrate love, value, and respect towards each person and family they serve while being inclusive of all cultures, faiths, and beliefs.

This will be a free event if you would like to attend with music, food, clothing, care-kits, job skill training, and wellness checks made available for all.

We are very excited, and look forward to seeing you all on Saturday!

Signing Off --- NerdOut…/the-nerdit-foundation-is-about-to-d…/

Category: Technology
Our Mission & Approach

With so many homes and communities in need of technology, we are on a mission to end the technological divide. We here at The NERDiT Foundation, believe that everyone should have the right to technology and to be afforded the opportunity to learn how technology can truly make an impact for us all.

We intend on partnering with other community leaders to target areas in need and distributing the technology. We will also offer free technical support to the recipients of the donated technology. 

We will never be able to do this alone, but with collective efforts, we will be able to end the technological divide.